Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Werebasset strikes again

There I was, sleeping soundly, minding my own business (and snoring loudly, of course) when out of no where - there it was again. "HHHOOOOOWWWWWWLLLLLLLL!!!!" It was enough to wake me out of a sound sleep.

Stupid Werebasset. He'll get his. I mean, it's one thing to disrupt my Mom and Dad. I mean, what do they need sleep for? It's not like they work or anything. Not the way I work anyway. I mean, I have long days of circling on my bed, deciding where to poop, chasing my tail, hiding my toys behind the couch...the list goes on. I need my beauty rest.

So, if you're wondering why I haven't been updating, blame the Werebasset for interrupting my slumber. Or my stupid Dad for breaking my laptop.

I'll get you, Werebasset!

(Stayed tuned for why I hate Mom, part: 582)

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