Monday, October 27, 2008

Nun-chuck Poop

Thank god it's Monday. I'm drained from this week. Saturday and Sunday were brutal. I need my rest!

Today, like everyday, mom took me out in the morning before she left for the day. I still haven't figured out where she goes - but I'm thankful that she leaves. I just cannot work that much. It takes a lot of energy to chase my tail, bark, chase the laser pointer and do other things to amuse my humans.

Anyway, back to my morning outing. I had nun-chuck poop again. For those of you wondering what nun-chuck poop is - it's when poop is dangling by a string. Or, in my case, by a hair. I'm always finding mom's loose hair and eating it - then this happens. And all they do is laugh as I squat about the woods, trying to push out the remaining poop as some dangles from my rear.

It was worth it.

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