Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wow, that was fun!

I just ran back and forth. It was awesome. I think I need my nails clipped, my mom should get on that. Maybe, I will march across the floor and jump on the love seat. Yes, that sounds like it would be lovely.

Now that I am on the love seat I can continue my blog. (look mom! I started a new paragraph!) Well, I think I am a very good pig. But all night mom has been talking about some tiny little baby pig she saw at the pet store. I'm the only pig in this house! I think the pig she saw is Italian because she keeps calling it a Guinea Pig.

So, the rents' put up all of the christmas decorations tonight. At first I was excited, but then Dad vaccumed. I hate that f$#*ing thing. I was standing in the middle of the stairs and he pointed the hose for it at me and I did not know what to do. Also, every christmas so far there has been ham. I see no christmas ham! I sniff the fridge, no ham. I lick my butt, no ham. I poop outside, no ham. What the frig is this! How can a hound survive with no ham! I mean christmas ham is my favorite. Although I did get to munch some new cookies. So if any of you baxter-bloggers are looking for christmas ideas for me, here's a list:

1) A new convertible.
2) Lots of Ham.
3) Some Mint flavored dental floss. (it's good, but it causes major nun-chuck poop.)
4) Pretzels with ranch dressing.
5) Bones.
6) A belly rub.
7) My own place.
8) BAILEYS!!!!

I love Baileys! It's my favorite! One day mom was having some Baileys in a nifty crystal snifter. Basically its a fancy dog bowl for humans. She left it on the table for me so I drank it. Ever since then, I've been hooked. Ok, well I feel like I am rambling. I'm going to go lick my butt now.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


P.S. - Dad you're my favorite. I am sorry about the couch post. You are the best human ever! ::lick::

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